Monday, September 5, 2011

Busy Busy Bee

Ok, I am back, it has been a crazy last few weeks! I am adjusting to this psychotic work/school schedule and then  John  and I went on vacation, but I’m ready to flap my gums now! 

I just got back from Pechanga –chunga (inside humor) a few days ago and it was so relaxing! We ate, gambled, ate, tanned, ate, swam, ate, danced…and a bunch of other stuff.  I left the casino down twenty bucks after three days of gambling! Pretty great! I’ll post pictures of all the yummy food we ate while vacationing too.
Ok, so Halloween is approaching quickly and not only have I not nailed down my costume but now I am trying to plan ghoulish appetizers and sweets for our party guests.  I have done the brain cupcakes a thousand times and the gummi worm brownies and all that standard Halloweenie stuff. I need new ideas, preferably stuff that looks like maybe ya don’t wanna eat it but if you are brave enough you’re in for a treat! Of course, I’m gonna scout my regular recipe sites but I haven’t found anything to gross thus far. 
I think planning this party and all that that entails is going to help me get back into my creative frame of mind which unfortunately has been taking a long nap.  I am also turning our dining room into my art room this coming weekend.  I had an art room in the spare bedroom which is no longer spare.  It has been too long since I have had any kind of outlet so, I am dedicating the weekend to making all of my art supplies more accessible, thus increasing the likelihood that I’ll do something with it.
Anywho, hopefully I’ll get some gruesome ideas for party food from some of my creative, foodie friends!